Diona Genshin Impact Build
Friday, July 5, 2019

We take a look at diona and go over what artifacts you should be using as well weapon for her also how to use implement h.

Diona genshin impact build. Diona is easily one of the best support character in game, and only cryo that currently offers shielding capabilities. Diona support build is. F2p friendly guide for a support diona.
#diona #genshinimpact #buildi stream on twitch everyday come say hitwitch. #genshinimpact #diona #builddiona guide. Join the live critiquethoughs at https//wwwtwitchtv/tibasujoin discord to get notified when stream is https//discordgg/3n5ccdgget genshin.
Covers unique tricks with her abilities, gear, and team compsother genshin impact guides. Generate huge amounts of energy for elemental bursts in genshin impact with the right build. With abyss floor 12.
