Chalice Coral Fragging

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Chalice coral fragging. A short two and half minute tutorial on how to frag chalice coral. Frag coral chalice jelly bean. Listen for our tips tricks an.
Methodologythe method i use for fragging the majority of hard corals is primarily same with cutting tooling being an inland band saw. This flamethrower type coral generally goes for $300+ per frag. Short but to the point video i made when fragging a chalice coral.
Join our resident marine biologist ania as she covers some professional tips and tricks on fragging chalice with an experimental twist for sustainable co. Chalice corals are some of my favorite and in this episode thecoralreeftalk i share the progression coral. In this hilarious installment of how to frag a coral, jen gets little into her video.
Fragging up 2 different rainbow chalice colonies russian roulette and slots o'color two coral's coral signature pieces. Frag coral chalice jelly bean.